The official name of the Church is "Immanuel Baptist Church, Inc." of New Hartford, New York. This Church was originally organized and incorporated in 1890 at Eagle Street and Dudley Avenue, Utica, New York. The present location and address of the Church is 9501 Weston Road, New Hartford, New York 13413. Hereafter in all succeeding articles of this constitution, Immanuel Baptist Church, Inc. shall be called the "Church" or "this Church" whenever reference is made to the corporate body.






Immanuel Baptist Church exists so all people will know joy in God.




Immanuel Baptist Church will maintain public worship services; faithfully preach and teach the verbal plenary Word of God; strengthen Christians in the faith through teaching of the Bible and Christian fellowship; make disciples of Jesus Christ by equipping them for a life of gift-based service to God and others; seek the salvation of lost souls; and help proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.




Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. 


We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love: 


To strive for the advancement of this Church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinance, discipline and doctrines.


To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expense of the Church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel to all nations.


We also engage to maintain family and personal devotions; to instruct our children in the Scriptures; to seek the salvation of our friends and family.


To walk with wisdom in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our behavior. To avoid all gossip, backbiting, and excessive anger, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the Kingdom of our Savior.


We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the teachings of our Savior, to seek it without delay.




A. Word of God

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God; that it was uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit; without error in the original manuscripts; that it is completely trustworthy and true; and that it is the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and practice. (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)


B. Our Triune God

We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons; that these are equal in nature and divine perfection, and that they execute distinct but harmonious offices in the work of creation, providence, and redemption. He is the supreme ruler of heaven and earth. (Genesis 1:1-2,26; Deuteronomy 6:4; Job 42:2; Psalm 48:14; John 3:16; Ephesians 1:11)


C. God the Father

The Father is the first person of the Trinity; invisible and spirit; infinite in holiness, wisdom, power, and love; neither begotten nor proceeding. According to His own counsel, the Father has planned the course of history and ensures that His will is perfectly done. (Psalm 147:5; Matthew 6:9-10; John 1:18; John 14:26-31; Romans 1:20; Revelation 4:8,11)


D. God the Son

We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of God, born of a virgin, and that He is fully God and fully man. He took on human form and is the exact image of the invisible Father. We believe in Jesus’ active obedience to the Father through His sinless life, miracles, and perfect fulfillment of the Law. (Matthew 5:17; Luke 1:35; John 1:1,2,14; John 3:16; John 12:45; Philippians 2:7; Hebrews 1:3)

E. God the Spirit

We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit who came forth from God to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; and to regenerate, sanctify, guide, and comfort those who believe in Jesus Christ. He indwells believers and empowers them to carry out the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20; John 16:7-11; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 3:18)

F. Image of God

We believe God creates each individual as male or female from conception. These two unchanging, distinct, and complimentary genders reflect His image on earth. Therefore, because each person bears the image of God, every human life has intrinsic value and dignity. That image was corrupted when mankind sinned and incurred physical, spiritual, and eternal death, which is separation from God. As a consequence, all human beings are born with a sinful nature and are sinners by choice and therefore under condemnation. (Genesis 1:16-17; 1:26-27; 9:6; Psalm 139:13-16; Isaiah 59:1-3; Matthew 25:41)


G. The Redemptive Work of Christ

We believe in Jesus’ substitutionary atoning death and bodily resurrection. After resurrecting, Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father where He reigns as Lord, the one and only all-sufficient Mediator (High Priest) between God and man. We believe that those who repent and forsake sin and trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and become a new creation, having the image of God progressively restored, and are delivered from condemnation to receive eternal life. (John 1:13; Romans 8:1; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Philippians 2:9-10; Hebrew 4:14-15; 7:26;10:12-14)


H. The Ordinances

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has committed two ordinances to the local church, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. 


We believe that baptism is the immersion of a believer in water, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to publicly symbolize the believer’s union with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection; and to symbolize the believer’s entrance into the body of Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:38, 8:36-39, Romans 6:3-4)

The Lord's Supper

The Lord's Supper commemorates, together, the new covenant as established in Christ’s precious blood until He comes again. (Matthew 26:17-30, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34)


I. The Institution of Church

We believe in the universal church; a living spiritual body of which Christ is the head and all regenerated persons are members. We believe that the local church consists of a body of believers in Jesus Christ, baptized on a credible profession of faith, and associated for worship, work, and fellowship. We believe that God has laid upon the members of the local church the primary task of reconciling the world unto God through the giving of, and discipling in the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2:19-22; Acts 1:8; Ephesians 5:19-21; Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:23-25, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20)


J. The Institution of Family

We believe that God created marriage for the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive covenant to exist as an enduring symbol of the union between Christ and the church. God designed sexual intimacy to be expressed within the marriage relationship. Children are the fruit of the marriage union, God’s gift to parents, and God’s design to propagate and subdue the earth with His image bearers. (Genesis 2:18-25, 1 Corinthians 7:2-5, Hebrews 13:4, Ephesians 5:25-27, Psalm 127:3-5)


K. The Institution of Civil Government

We believe that God created the institution of civil government for human good. We also believe that every human being has direct relations with God, and is responsible to God alone in all matters of faith; that each local church is independent and must be free from interference from any ecclesiastical or political authority; that therefore Church and State must be kept separate as having different functions, each fulfilling its duty free from dictation or patronage of the other. (Romans 13:1; 1 Timothy 2:5; Romans 14:7-9,12)






Membership in this church is a declaration by the believer that he/she:

Will pursue God with a heart fully devoted to Him, and a lifestyle of obedience to His Word (Psalm 63:1; 119:9-10; Mark 12:29-31; Romans 12:1-2; 2 Peter 1:3-22; James 1:19-25).

Will faithfully minister to fellow believers as outlined by the "one another" commands in Scripture (Romans 12:9-21; Hebrews 3:12-13; 10:24-25).

Will diligently use his/her spiritual gift(s) in ministry (1 Peter 4:10-11; Romans 12:4-8; Ephesians 4:15-16).

Will cultivate redemptive relationships to share the good news in word and deed (Acts 1:8; Philippians 2:14-16; Colossians 4:5-6; 1 Peter 2:9-12; 3:15-16).

Will respect and submit to the leadership of the Church (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13; Hebrews 13:7, 17).

Will make every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace (1 Corinthians 3:1-17; Galatians 5:13-15; Ephesians 4:1-6).

Will advance the mission of the church through active involvement, generous giving, and fervent prayer (2 Corinthians 9:6-15; Philippians 4:10-20; Colossians 4:2-6; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3).




A. Any person who professes belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior; whose character and conduct conform to that profession; who has been baptized by immersion; who agrees to abide by the Constitution of this Church; who is 18 years of age or older, may make application for membership to the Elders.


B. A committee consisting of the Senior Pastor and a minimum of any 3 Elders shall meet with and examine the applicant to determine if the applicant is in accordance with Section 2A. The applicant, if satisfactory, shall become a member upon a 100% approval vote of that committee and shall be publicly welcomed into membership at a regular worship service, and will be given the right to vote at any Corporate Meeting.


C. Upon acceptance of the call, Pastoral Staff automatically become members of this Church.




A. Any member of this Church who, for a period of one year, has not attended the regular services and/or not supported the work of the Church with some degree of regularity, provided they are not hindered by sickness or disability, shall be contacted to ascertain their desire regarding church membership. If the member is unwilling to repent and fulfill the Church Covenant (Article II, Section 3), the Elders shall terminate their membership as an act of church discipline (see Article IV, Letter B, Numeral v).


B. Upon official request, any member in good standing may be granted a letter of transfer by the Elders to unite with another specified church found to be of like faith and practice, as assessed by the Elders.


C. Any member who wishes to terminate their membership shall give in writing his/her desire to the Elders. The Elders shall inform the Church at the next Corporate Meeting of their termination.


D. Any member who permanently moves away from the local region will be removed from membership.


E.  Any member who has undergone Church discipline in accordance with Article IV, Church Discipline, and continues in unrepentance, shall be removed from membership and excommunicated from the fellowship per Article IV, letter B, numeral v.




A person whose membership has been terminated, as in Article III, Section 3A, B, and C, may be re-admitted into membership by approval of the Elders as in Article III, Section 2.


A person whose membership has been terminated, as in Article III, Section 3D and Article IV, Church Discipline, may be re-admitted into the membership by the Elders when evidence is shown the person has repented and is living in fellowship with God in accordance to Article III, Section 2.




A. Although God disciplines His children for personal sin (1 Corinthians 11:27-30; Hebrews 12:4-11), He commands the church to discipline believers who commit public sin and/or sin which affects the church, the Body of Christ. This includes unresolved personal conflict (Matthew 18:15-20), divisiveness (Romans 16:17-18; Titus 3:10), false teaching (1 Timothy 1:20; Titus 1:10-16; 2 John 9-11), lifestyle contrary to Scripture (Galatians 2:11-21; Ephesians 5:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15; 2 Timothy 3:2-5), sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 5:1-13), and nonattendance (Hebrews 10:25).


B. Discipline is a loving act to restore an errant member through repentance and reconciliation according to the following principles and procedures:


i. Before one confronts an errant member, one must first examine oneself, noting one’s own weaknesses and the motive for the confrontation (Matthew 7:3-5; Galatians 6:1).


ii. One should lovingly confront the errant member privately (Matthew 18:15).


iii. If the errant member will not listen, then one should confront the errant member along with two or three witnesses (Matthew 18:16).


iv. If still no progress is made, the matter should be brought to the Elders who will lovingly admonish the errant member and enlist the help of the Church body (Matthew 18:17-20). The errant member shall be removed from all leadership positions, boards, and committees and shall be ineligible to vote.


v. If the errant member fails to repent, the errant member shall be removed from membership and excommunicated from the fellowship per two-thirds vote of the elders (Matthew 18:17; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13).


C. If the errant member repents at any point in this process, the errant member shall be restored to fellowship and membership in good standing (2 Corinthians 2:5-11). The member may be restored to any former boards, committees, or leadership positions at the discretion of the Elders.






A.   Description of Office. The Elders are the overseers of the Church, responsible for equipping the members of the body for maturity and ministry. Elders are charged to shepherd the Church through instruction and direction. Through such efforts as prayer, teaching, exhortation, administration, counseling, and setting a Christ-like example, the Elders aim to develop a spiritually healthy, mature congregation. They shall ensure the teaching of the Church is biblically sound and effective, and that the ministry of the Church is carried out efficiently and effectively.


B.   Qualifications. Elders must be found to live exemplary Christian lives, according to their respective abilities, and exhibit the character qualities detailed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Elders shall be male members of the Church, and thus in complete accord with the Mission and Vision of the Church, the Covenant, and the Articles of Faith. Elders must also have the capacity to think and lead from a biblical and church-wide perspective.


C.   Duties. The responsibilities of the Elders shall be:


  1. To serve with love and lead by example (Mark 10:42-45; 1 Peter 5:2-3). They will shepherd the Church through nurture, care, and administration of the Word of God. Elders shall hold firmly to the Word of God and protect the Church from false teachers, ungodliness, and division (Acts 20:28-31; 1 Timothy 3:5; Titus 1:9-2:1;3:9-11; James 5:14).

  2. To plan and oversee the total ministry of the Church, and to delegate to the Staff Elders the implementation and supervision of strategies effective to accomplish the Mission of the Church.

  3. To recommend to the Church for consideration and election at the Annual Corporate Meeting, three Laymen Elders to serve as Trustees. The Trustees shall serve as the legal representatives of the Church. They shall have the duties and responsibilities given to the Trustees by the “Religious Corporation Law of the State of New York.”

  4. To prepare and make available an annual report of the current ministries of the Church, to include an evaluation of various ministries and a list of the proposed plans for the coming ministry year. This report must be made available to the congregation at least two weeks prior to the annual Corporate Meeting.

  5. To oversee the finances of the Church. The Elders shall prepare and propose an Annual Corporate Budget to the Church for approval at the annual Corporate Meeting. The Elders are granted the authority to move money between line items within the Budget, but are not granted authority to authorize expenditures that exceed the total approved Budget.

  6. To retain and release employees, with the exception of the Senior Pastor.

  7. To receive and consider all applicants for membership in accordance with Article III, and archive Church membership records and reports.

  8. To administer an Elder's Fund, which lies outside the regular Budget, to privately help those with financial needs.

  9. To discuss and act upon issues of a confidential nature, to include but not limited to personnel issues and church discipline.

  10. No elder may perform a wedding ceremony resulting in a marriage that would violate the Church’s Articles of Faith; nor shall the elders allow such a ceremony to be conducted on the Church’s property.



A.    Description of Office. Staff Elders are a subset of the Elders, comprised of the Senior Pastor and Associate Pastors. Staff Elders are professional paid members. Staff Elders shall be non-voting members of the Elders. Staff Elders shall be considered officers of the Church and shall be ex officio members of all boards and committees. The Staff Elders shall be accountable to the Laymen Elders.


B.    Specific Qualifications. In addition to fulfilling the qualifications of Elders as defined in Section 1 above, Staff Elders shall have evidence of a divine call from God to preach the Gospel and be trained to fulfill this calling. Staff Elders shall be sincerely dedicated to the ministry of the Word of God, and to Christian living as outlined in the New Testament and as specified in 1 Timothy 3.


C.    Term. Staff Elders serve for an unspecified time.


D.    Specific Duties. In addition to the Duties listed in Section 1, the primary responsibilities of Staff Elders are prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4), preaching and teaching (1 Timothy 5:17-18), and equipping believers for ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).




A.   Description of Office. Laymen Elders are qualified men elected from the Church body. At all times there shall be at least three Laymen Elders. When more Laymen Elders are needed to oversee the ministry of the Church, the number of Laymen Elders may be added at the annual Corporate Meeting.


B.   Specific Qualifications. Any man nominated to serve who is divorced shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.


C.   Terms. Laymen Elders shall serve 3-year terms. A one-year sabbatical shall follow two consecutive terms. In the case of a vacancy created by an incomplete term, a new Laymen Elder shall be elected by the congregation at a Corporate Meeting to finish the vacant term. If the Laymen Elder thereafter wishes to stay on for a full term, he must be re-elected at a Corporate Meeting.


D.   Offices. The present Chairman shall call a meeting of the Elders prior to the start of the new fiscal year for election of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary. Staff Elders are ineligible to hold these offices. Vacancies in the offices of Chairman, Vice-chairman, or Secretary shall be filled by majority vote of the Elders at a duly convened meeting.


                      i. Chairman. The Chairman of the Elders, in consultation with the Staff Elders, shall set the agenda of and chair the meetings. The Chairman shall see that matters receive wise attention and that decisions are reached, clearly understood, and properly recorded.


                    ii. Vice-chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall assume the office of Chairman in his absence.


                   iii. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the Elder meetings and the Corporate Meetings. In his absence, the Chairman shall appoint a substitute. Following a meeting, the Secretary shall deliver all minutes to the Church office, that they may be available to the Church at large.


E.   Trustees. At any given time, three of the Laymen Elders shall hold the office of Trustee of the Church, a title recognized by the State of New York as having the authority to direct funds and policy. The Trustees shall represent the Church in legal responsibilities and duties as outlined in the “Religious Corporation Law of the State of New York.” Trustees are appointed at the Annual Corporate Meeting and shall serve one-year terms until the next Annual Corporate Meeting.


F.    Termination. A Laymen Elder may resign from office at any time, or he may be dismissed in any of the following ways: (1) two-thirds vote of the Elders, (2) three-fourths vote of the general membership present at a Corporate Meeting, or (3) in accordance with procedures outlined in Article IV, Church Discipline.




  1. Description of Office. The Senior Pastor is the leader and the primary discipler of the Elders (1 Timothy 5:17-18).

  2. Specific Duties. In addition to the Duties listed in Section 1 and Subsection 1, The Senior Pastor is responsible for the oversight of Associate Pastors, any paid staff of the Church, and the Deacons and Deaconesses.

  3. Termination. The Senior Pastor may decide to resign at any time, at which point he shall deliver in writing a letter of resignation. In the case where the Elders decide to pursue termination of the Senior Pastor’s ministry, they may place the Senior Pastor on a temporary leave of absence. The Elders shall call a Corporate Meeting of the Church body. Termination of the ministry of the Senior Pastor shall be ratified with an 80% or greater vote by secret ballot at the duly called Corporate Meeting. The Elders shall then provide notice in writing to the Senior Pastor at least two weeks in advance of the termination date, unless waived by mutual consent.




  1. Description of Office. Associate Pastors are hired by the Elders to oversee specific areas of ministry. Associate Pastors are extensions of the Senior Pastor and perform their duties at the direction of the Senior Pastor.

  2. Specific Duties. In addition to the Duties listed in Section 1 and Subsection 1, Associate Pastors are responsible for ministries, functions and tasks as assigned by the Senior Pastor.

  3. Termination. An Associate Pastor may resign at any time, at which point he shall deliver a letter of resignation to the Elders. Otherwise, the Elders may terminate the ministry of an Associate Pastor by majority vote, at which point the Elders shall provide notice in writing to the Associate Pastor at least two weeks in advance of the termination date, unless waived by mutual consent.




A.   Description of Office. Deacons and Deaconesses are servant leaders within the congregation. Their roles are to serve the diverse groups, families, and individuals of the Church, and to be the leaders of its various ministries and ministry teams.


B.   Qualifications. Deacons and Deaconesses shall be mature Christians, “of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom” (Acts 6:3). Deacons and deaconesses shall be members of the Church and thus shall be in complete accord with the Vision and Mission of the Church, the Covenant, and the Articles of Faith. They shall have evidenced a gifting and desire to serve through their membership in the Church. They shall be sincerely dedicated to Christian living as outlined in the New Testament and as specified in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.


C.   Duties. The responsibilities of Deacons and Deaconesses shall be:


                      i. To serve the diverse groups, families, and individuals within the Church.


                    ii. To serve as leaders of the various Church ministries and ministry teams.


                   iii. To prepare an annual budget proposal for their respective ministry.


D.   Term. Deacons and Deaconesses shall be appointed by the Elders annually.


E.   Termination. The Elders shall assess each deacon/deaconess for performance and fitness for ministry as necessary but at least annually.




A. Term. The Treasurer and any Assistant Treasurer(s) shall be appointed by the Elders for a term of three years. The Treasurer and any Assistant Treasurer(s) may serve successive terms. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer(s) must be Church members. Elders, Pastoral Staff, or their family members, are not eligible to serve as Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer(s).


B. Duties. Under the supervision and direction of the Elders, the Treasurer shall receive and disburse funds. The Treasurer shall keep a careful account of all receipts and expenditures. Said account shall be audited every two years by an independent accounting firm. The Treasurer shall submit reports monthly to the Elders and semi-annually to the Church. The Treasurer shall make available the most recent Elder-approved quarterly financial report at all Corporate Meetings. The Assistant Treasurer(s) may perform all the above duties under the supervision and direction of the Treasurer.




A.   Term. The Financial Secretary shall be appointed by the Elders for a term of three years. They must be a member of the Church. The Financial Secretary may serve successive terms. Elders, Pastoral Staff, or their family members, are not eligible to serve as Financial Secretary.


B.   Duties. The Financial Secretary will be responsible to receive all Church funds and keep an accurate record of the same. Under the direction of the Elders, the Financial Secretary shall appoint at least two persons to count all moneys received in Church collections. The Financial Secretary is responsible for the depositing of all funds received. A record of all funds received shall be given to the Church Treasurer in a timely fashion. The Financial Secretary shall prepare contribution statements for all contributors at the end of the tax year or upon request. The Assistant(s) may perform all the above duties under the supervision and direction of the Financial Secretary.






The Nominating Committee is formed for the purpose of identifying, assessing, and presenting Potential Nominees to the Church for election to the office of Laymen Elder.


A.   Election. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Elders and Senior Pastor. The committee shall consist of the Senior Pastor or an Associate Pastor (as delegated by the Senior Pastor), two Laymen Elders, and two members (at least one woman) from the congregation.


B.   Duties. The Nominating Committee shall give careful consideration to the qualifications and duties for the office to be filled. They shall survey the congregation for suggestions of qualified men. The Nominating Committee shall provide the qualifications and duties of the office to potential nominees for their prayerful consideration. Potential Nominees must agree to their nomination, at which point the Nominating Committee shall present Elder Candidates at a Corporate Meeting for a corporate vote.


C.   Vacancies. If any member of the Nominating Committee ceases to be an active member of the Committee for any reason, the Elders shall appoint a replacement as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs.




The Search Committee is formed for the purpose of identifying, assessing, and presenting to the Church body candidates to fill Staff Elder offices.


A.   Election. The Elders shall call a Corporate Meeting to commission a Search Committee. The members present at the Corporate Meeting shall nominate members to serve in the Search Committee. The Search Committee shall consist of two Laymen Elders and five members of the Church.


B.    Term. The Search Committee shall serve until the office is filled.


C.    Duties. The Search Committee shall carefully and prayerfully investigate and select qualified candidates for the office. The committee shall maintain records and data on each of the candidates. In the order of the Search Committee's preference, and one at a time, the candidates shall be presented to the Church for consideration and election for the office. Whenever any candidate is to be presented to the Church, the announcement of all such services and the respective candidate's name and present location shall be made at least two Sundays in advance of his candidating. The Search Committee shall request the Elders call a special Corporate Meeting for the purpose of voting upon the candidate for the office. Salient data regarding the candidate shall be reviewed at the meeting to provide voting members present an intelligent and Holy Spirit led basis for voting.


D.    Vacancies. If any member of the Search Committee for any reason ceases to be an active member, the Elders shall call a Corporate Meeting, as soon as possible after the vacancy occurs, to elect a replacement.






A.    The annual Corporate Meeting of the membership of the Church shall be held during the month of May. Proper notice of this meeting shall be provided according to Section 3.


B.   The agenda of the annual meeting shall include but is not limited to the following:

Call to Order

Ascertainment of Quorum

Reading of the minutes of the last annual Corporate Meeting

Treasurer's Report

Audit Committee Report (bi-annual)

Elders' Report

Old Business

New Business

1. Approval of budget for upcoming year

2. Elections

3. Other appropriate business


C.   A quorum of members at the annual Corporate Meeting shall approve by majority vote the annual Corporate Budget of the Church.


D.   Elections. In the event of a tie vote for a nominated position or vacancy, a run-off election shall be held between the nominees so tied.




A.   Special Corporate Meetings of the membership shall be called by majority vote of the Elders, or on the written request of ten percent of Church membership. Proper notice of this meeting shall be provided according to Section 3.


B.   The Elders may present amendments to the Corporate Budget at Special Corporate Meetings. Budgetary amendments will be adopted by a quorum of members through majority vote. All voting must be done in person during the Corporate Meeting.





A.   Notice of a Corporate Meeting shall be given by the Elders at the regular morning meeting of the Church for public worship on two successive Sundays preceding such meeting, and by conspicuously posting such notice in writing near the entrance of such place of worship. Such notice shall be read by the Senior Pastor, the officiating minister, or an Elder of the Church. The notice of such meeting shall also be mailed to all members at least two weeks prior to the meeting.


B.   The notice referred to above shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.


C.   The following persons shall preside over Corporate Meetings in the following order:

1.    Chairman of the Elders

2.    Vice-Chairman of the Elders

3.    Any Elder

4.    Any member of the Church elected by the qualified voters at the meeting


D.   It shall be the duty of the presiding officer to conduct the meeting, to select tellers, receive the tellers’ report and declare the results.


E.   A quorum at a Corporate Meeting shall consist of a simple majority based on current membership.


F.    All votes for elections, issues pertaining to money, and Pastoral Staff shall be by secret ballot.


G.   All voting must be done in person during Corporate Meetings.






Any member of the church may attend any meeting of a board, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee, unless such board or committee should go into executive session for the discussion of a confidential matter.




This Church shall have the right to own, buy or sell tangible properties, both real and personal, in its name and through properly elected and instructed officers. No profit will ever accrue to the benefit of any person or persons from the assets, holdings or other transactions in which this Church may become involved.


In the event of dissolution of this Church, all of its tangible assets and holdings will be distributed to such other existing non-profit religious corporations as would be in full agreement with the letter and spirit of this Constitution. All decisions in this event shall be made by two thirds of its total membership.


Upon such decision by its members, the Elders shall thereafter make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York for the approval of the dissolution of its corporate status and the distribution of all assets in conformity with this provision.






The Elders may give to any male member of the Church a Ministerial License. Being called of God to the work of the ministry, this person must give evidence by his Christian character, conduct, zeal and aptness to teach. He must also have preached in the hearing of the Church.




A man who has been licensed for one year by the Church may ask for ordination. License requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Elders as long as sufficient opportunity has been given to assess the fitness for ministry according to the above standards for licensing. The Elders shall first call a Pre-Ordination Examination Committee of three ministers of like faith (one may be the Senior Pastor, if pertinent) to examine the candidate's readiness for ordination. The Elders shall call a council of ministers and their church delegates to examine the candidate according to accepted ordination procedures. After receiving a favorable report from the council, the Church shall ordain the candidate into the gospel ministry.




A. Amendments may be made to this Constitution no more than once a year at any Corporate Meeting of the Church. Notice of proposed amendments shall have been publicly given as specified in Article VII, Section 3.


B. An Amendment to this Constitution may be made by any member. The proposed amendment shall be presented in writing to the Elders prior to any consideration by the Church at large. In considering the proposed amendment, the Elders, if necessary, may appoint a special Committee to consider the proposal. The proposed amendment shall be considered, and the Elders shall determine whether it shall be presented to the membership for consideration. In either case the Elders shall respond in writing with their decision to the presenting members within 60 days after receipt.


If the member is not satisfied with the Elders findings, the member may submit the proposed amendment with a petition to the Elders signed by at least ten percent of Church membership for the purpose of calling a special Corporate Meeting for consideration by the Church at large. Proper notice of the meeting will be given per Article VII, Section 3. The scheduled meeting shall be held within four weeks of the date the petition is received by the Elders.


C. Printed copies of all proposed amendments or changes to the Constitution must be mailed or made available to all qualified voting members of the Church at least two weeks before they are to be voted upon.



This constitution was officially adopted by the members of Immanuel Baptist Church, Inc., of New Hartford, NY, on the 17th of May, 2023, effective immediately.


This constitution supersedes and replaces all prior constitutions of the Church.