Why the Law?
God gave the law in order to drive humanity to the cross. It is a gift that leads us to our greatest gift!
Galatians 3:19-24
The Superior Covenant
Salvation and relationship to God are only available through faith in His promises. It was true for Abraham, it is true for us.
Galatians 3:15-18
Curse Removed, Spirit Given
God's blessing comes from faith, not from trying to be good. And the blessing He gives is Himself!
Galatians 3:10-14
The Righteousness of Abraham
God graciously counts faith as righteousness even when it is struggling and falters.
Galatians 3:7-9
Alive to Christ
Faith in Jesus Christ is an all or nothing kind of faith. But what does that really look like? It looks like living, and it looks like dying.
Galatians 2:17-21
The Antioch Incident
Peter and Paul clash over how to live out the gospel. We learn that we must fear God rather than man.
Galatians 2:11-14
The Shepherd Gives Life - Easter Sunday
The eternal life that Jesus promised is so much more than living forever!
John 10:1-21
The Shepherd's Sacrifice - Maundy Thursday
We can only call Jesus the Good Shepherd because of the sacrifice He made on behalf of His sheep.
John 10:1-21
The Shepherd Arrives - Palm Sunday
What does Jesus really mean when He refers to Himself as the Shepherd; and how should the sheep respond?
John 10:1-21
A Man Transformed
The gospel was not invented by men, but conceived and delivered by God. God uses the gospel to transform people for His own glory.
Galatians 1:11-24
Identity in Christ
Pastor Fletch explains the context in which Galatians was written; and then asks the question, "Who was Paul?"
Galatians 1:1, 2
Israel Chooses
Joshua has some very hard things to say to the leaders of Israel, but it shows what God requires of His people. The book then ends on a high note of hope.
Joshua 24:14-33
God's Plan for All Time
God uses covenants to unfold His plan throughout time. Each covenant finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
Joshua 24:1-13
Obedience Through Promise
God has always been faithful to fulfill His promises. Our obedience is motivated by His faithfulness.
Joshua 23
The Covenant Bond
As we share in God's covenant together, we should be willing to do everything to keep each other standing strong in that covenant.
Joshua 22